@article{oai:bunka.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000197, author = {安永, 明智}, issue = {4}, journal = {繊維製品消費科学}, month = {Apr}, note = {本研究の目的は, 20歳から 79歳までの 10,800人の大規模サンプルを用いて,外出着の着装基準を類型化し,その性,年代別の特徴を検討することであった.クラスター分析の結果,外出着の着装基準は「全基準重視型」「機能・規範重視型」「個人的嗜好・流行重視型」「無頓着型」の 4つに分類された. X²検定の結果,対象者の 4つの着装基準の分類と性,年代の間に統計学的に有意な関係が認められた.着装基準の性別の特徴を見ると,男性では「機能・規範重視型」,女性では「全基準重視型」が最も高い割合を示した.また年代別の特徴では,男性においては, 20代は「全基準重視型」, 30代は「個人的嗜好・流行重視型」, 40~70代は「機能・規範重視型」の割合が,女性においては,全ての年代で「全基準重視型」の割合が,それぞれ最も高かった, The purpose of this study was to classify criteria for selecting clothing and examine their characteristics by sex and age in a large-scale sample of 10,800 people aged 20 to 79 years. The cluster analysis results allowed classification of the criteria for selecting clothing into four types: i.e., "emphasizing personal taste, fashion, function, and social norms", "emphasizing function and social norms," "emphasizing personal taste and fashion," and "indifferent" types. A chi-squared test showed significant differences by sex and age in the four criteria for selecting clothing. In terms of sex characteristics in the criteria for selecting clothing, men showed the highest proportion in "emphasizing function and social norms" and women showed the highest proportion in "emphasizing personal taste, fashion, function, and social norms." In terms of age-specific characteristics, "emphasizing personal taste, fashion, function, and social norms", "emphasizing personal taste and fashion," and "emphasizing function and social norms" showed the highest proportions in men aged in their 20s, 30s, and 40s-70s, respectively. "Emphasizing personal taste, fashion, function, and social norms" showed the highest proportion in women in all age groups, 報文}, pages = {297--303}, title = {若年者から高齢者における着装基準の類型化と性,年代別の特徴}, volume = {59}, year = {2018} }