@article{oai:bunka.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000192, author = {佐藤, 真理子 and 小柴, 朋子}, journal = {デサントスポーツ科学}, month = {Jun}, note = {着心地の良いスポーツウェア作製に寄与すべく,4種の競技:剣道・テニス・陸上(短距離)・サッカーに従事するアスリートの体型を計測,その特徴を抽出した.一般成人男性の体型と比較し,剣道,テニス,陸上で上半身の発達が大,特に陸上でその傾向は著しく,チェストとウエストの寸法差により設定された成人男子用衣料サイズの体型区分外であった.4競技とも,頸付け根囲は一般体型より大,肩傾斜角度からなで肩傾向が示され,ウェアデザインの際,首肩回りと胸回りへの配慮が重要と示唆された.背面形状計測では,テニスの円背傾向,陸上の出っ尻傾向が示された.Heath-Carter法による体型分類では,4競技とも中胚葉スコアの優位な体型的特徴を有し,剣道と陸上では筋肉・骨格が発達し体脂肪をつけ過ぎない体型,テニスでは筋骨が発達しやや皮下脂肪の厚い体型,サッカーでは筋骨は発達しているがやせて細長型体型の傾向が示された., This study measures the body shape of competitive athletes in four different sports (kendo, tennis, track and field (short-distance running) , and soccer) in order to identify their specific physical characteristics and help create better-fitting athletic wear for each group. It was found that compared to the body shape of a normal adult male, kendo, tennis, and track and field (short-distance running) athletes had large or extra-large development in the upper body. This trend was particularly pronounced in the short-distance runners, who had a difference in chest and waist measurements that was outside the standard sizing classifications created for adult males. All four types of athletes were larger than average around the base of the neck, and had a tendency towards sloped shoulders based on shoulder angle measurements. These results indicate that particular attention must be paid to the neck, shoulder, and chest area when designing their clothing. Measuring the shape of the back of the body, it was found that tennis players tended to have rounded backs, while sprinters had pronounced buttocks. All four groups have outstanding physical characteristics under the Heath-Carter method of somatotyping based on their mesoderm score. Kendo players and sprinters have developed muscles and physical builds with no excess fat, while tennis players are muscular and carry some subcutaneous fat. Soccer players are also developed in turns of muscularity, but tend to be ectomorphic with a thin physique.}, pages = {41--49}, title = {アスリートの体型研究 : 各種競技従事者に適合する最適なウェア作製を目指して}, volume = {36}, year = {2015} }