@book{oai:bunka.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001484, author = {平井, 紀子}, month = {Oct}, note = {Meyrick, Samuel Rush. The costume of the original inhabitants of the British Islands, from the earliest periods to the sixth century : to which is added that of the Gothic nations on the western coasts of the Baltic, the ancestors the Angro-Saxons and Angro-Danes. S. R. Meyrick and C. H. Smith, London, T. M'Lean, 1821. (解題)}, title = {メイリック著 「ブリテン島先住民族の服飾」先史時代から6世紀まで。バルチック西海岸のゴート族とアングロサクソン族 アングロディーン族も加えて}, year = {1993} }