@article{oai:bunka.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000127, author = {鈴木, 正文}, issue = {1}, journal = {服飾文化学会誌}, month = {}, note = {WA TASTE, the taste for Japonism, has been spreading in the European fashion industry over the past few years. The author thinks that making use of traditional Suiboku techniques through textile design is an effective way of expressing traditional Japanese artistic creativity. The author applies the techniques to computer-aided designs (CAD) of scarves for ink jet printing and demon-strates the effectiveness of the techniques., Journal Article}, pages = {73--82}, title = {インクジェット捺染法に適したテキスタイルデザイン : 水墨からのデザインの発想}, volume = {4}, year = {2003} }